Music is a great enabler, bringing people together, teaching skills, sharpening minds, over-riding social division and solacing the spirit: it should be no surprise that music is becoming a key part of Charlton Church's mission and purpose in Dover, and we are particularly pleased when local schools hold concerts, services and other musical occasions here.
Local secondary schools traditionally hold their significant annual services at Charlton. The church has an increasingly close relationship with Charlton C of E Primary School nearby: the school holds Easter and Christmas services in the church, and invites parents to hear musical performances and to attend Leavers' Services here.
Charlton hosts a whole day of singing for primary schools. We are developing a close relationship with Deal Music and Arts: gifted ensembles from London music colleges and music specialist schools work with children, demonstrating their instruments and encouraging participation, finally giving a concert to a church packed with fascinated and delighted children.
Head teachers and heads of music are warmly encouraged to make use of Charlton's beauty, space, versatility and acoustic to enhance the musical experience of players, singers and audience: contact Chris Tyler ( or Camilla Otaki ( to discuss your needs.