A Christmas concert by Sound Waves, Saturday 21 December at 6.30pm

Jacob Bride directing The Bradstow Chamber Orchestra, Chorus and Soloists
with a special programme for children!
Sunday, April 6th at 5pm

Saturday, 16th November, 2024 - two bands for the price of one!
TWO IN ONE was a most enjoyable mix of different types of music, from Elgar to The Beatles. It was good to host David Burridge with the young players of Revelation Strings again, with their beautiful renditions of pieces such as Ladies in Lavender and West Side Story.
And for the first but definitely not the last time (we hope), ALRIGHT ON THE NIGHT, a superb saxophone quartet from Medway, with bass and drums, whose playing really demonstrated the wide range of the saxophone for different genres of music.
Both groups sounded fantastic in the gorgeous acoustic of Charlton Church.
The one and only DOVER PROM returned to Charlton on July 5th, 2024

Come and Sing Concert, April 20th 2024
On Saturday 20th April, 35 singers assembled to sing Stainer’s famous work, The Crucifixion, and Handel’s coronation anthem, Zadok the Priest. Under the expert guidance of Rupert Preston Bell (director of Cambridge Renaissance Voices), visiting from Tunbridge Wells where he conducts the parish choir and the King Charles Singers, and superbly accompanied on the organ by Richard Davies, formerly head of music at Dover Grammar School for Boys, a group of people, many of whom had not met before, became a choir during the afternoon rehearsal. Friends old and new enjoyed tea, kindly prepared and served by Jackie Cray, assisted by Sean. The bass and tenor solo parts were beautifully sung by Keith Bryant and Greg Tassell. We are most grateful to Rupert, Richard, Keith and Greg for lending us their time and expertise, to make this a successful and enjoyable occasion. After the concert there was time for more socialising with refreshments. Thanks to everyone who assisted on the day.
This superb choir made a return visit to Charlton Church and gave a most entertaining performance to an audience of about 80. The programme demonstrated the great skill and versatility of this professional-standard choir under the expert direction of Martin Rendle. The choir enjoyed singing in the excellent acoustic of Charlton Church and everyone tucked into refreshments during the interval. The evening finished with some hilarious audience participation in the performance of “A Policeman’s Life is not a Happy One.”