


Our church offers a beautiful, traditional setting for baptism into our Church. The splendid font is part of the original design for the building by architect James Brooks.

The baptism service is a time to thank God for the gift of life and to acknowledge His love. Babies and children are commonly baptised in the Anglican Church, often known as a christening. Baptism is a ritual that symbolises grace and is reflective of Jesus’ baptism in the River Jordan.  Some adults may also choose to be baptised; please speak to a member of the clergy team if this is something you are considering.

Baptism can be a service in its own right or it can take place in the context of Parish Mass on a Sunday. On Sundays, the church hall may be hired for post-baptism gatherings.


Confirmation marks the time in a Christian journey when anyone who was baptised as a child can choose to make a firm commitment to following Jesus for themselves. At a this service through prayer and laying on of hands by a bishop, the Church asks God to give those being confirmed power, through the Holy Spirit, to live the life of discipleship.

For more information on baptism or to make a booking, contact us.