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St. Peter & Paul, known as Charlton Church, celebrates in the tradition of the Anglo-Catholics.
See our programme of services below and use the links to find out more. Click here to see upcoming events or latest news.
What are Anglo-Catholics?
Anglo-Catholics are loyal members of the Church of England but they have kept some Catholic elements
in their worship and theology. They define 'Catholic' as being part of the Universal Church across the
world and thoughout the ages.
The term Anglo-Catholic was first used in some of the writings of leaders of the Oxford Movement
who wished to demonstrate the historical continuity of the English (Anglican) Church with
Catholic Christianity. As well as stressing Catholic elements in their worship and theology,
Anglo-Catholics have worked amongst the poor and unchurched and have attempted to renew the
Church. Although their beliefs and activities have often been opposed by Anglican Evangelicals, who
stress the Protestant heritage of Anglicanism, Anglo-Catholics have continued to be an important
force within the Anglican Communion.
Anglo-Catholics are sometimes called high churchmen, in that they give a "high" place to the importance
of the episcopal form of church government, the sacraments and liturgical worship. The term High Church was first used about the end of the 17th century to express this particular emphasis within the Church of England. Historically, however, High Church attitudes, like Low Church (Evangelical) attitudes, were evident with the Church of England from the time of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603). The Oxford Movement and Anglo-Catholicism renewed this emphasis within Anglicanism.
Our Services
Come along and share with us the wonder of God one Sunday. We are a friendly, non-judgemental church and welcome all.
Our Church meets for Parish Mass every Sunday at 8 a.m. and 9.30 a.m.
We also hold a Mass on Thursdays at 9.30 a.m.
On Fridays at 9.30 a.m. there is the Litany: an opportunity to meet in a group to pray and discuss the week's scripture.
2nd Sunday of the month: FAMILY WORSHIP 9.30am in the Church Hall (Breakfast 9.10am)
4th Sunday of the month: BUBBLE CHURCH for little ones
What to expect when you visit the church
Our aim is that you will instantly feel welcomed and comfortable. Charlton is a beautiful, atmospheric nineteenth-century church and our style of worship is relatively formal and ceremonial, with incense and bells.
We use a mixture of music: traditional hymns and modern worship songs. The church houses a fine nineteenth century organ built by Bevington. Our excellent Worship Band provides less formal music also once a month.
Tea, coffee and biscuits (and often cake!) are served after the service in the Church Hall, where there is plenty of time to meet people.
In addition, Charlton Church has an enjoyable programme of social events, such as American Suppers, concerts and bingo. We also join other churches in the Dover Town Benefice for quizz evenings and open days. Once a year there is a Sunday service for all the congretations in the Benefice.
Chairs ready for the Friday Litany

I have more questions, how can I get in touch and ask them.
Please feel free to contact us.
If you want to know who works in the church, see our Staff and Leadership page.
How to find us: the entrance to the church is on St Alphege Road, Charlton, Dover. CT16 2PU
You can see a map on our contact us page.